Many of you have probably heard how we met at our school climbing wall, and that it was actually Cameron’s brother Wesley who made things happen, but if you want to know the full story, now’s your chance.
Christina and Cameron first met on February 22nd 2020. That’s a whole lot of two’s. Now if you’re superstitious (like us) a quick google search will tell you that all those two’s mean something like true love is coming or that a soulmate is near. It can also be a confirmation about current choices Seems like a coincidence? Believe it or not there’s more.
This is a part of our story that a lot of you might not have heard yet. Why? Partly because it’s a little embarrassing, partly because its very personal, and mostly because you wouldn’t believe us if we told you.
Let us set the scene for you: going back about two (!!) weeks before we met, it’s just before Valentine’s Day. Christina is halfway through her second year at CSU and Cameron his first. Christina had been feeling particularly dejected lately and one night (after a few glasses of wine) had a heart to heart with “The Universe.” During this conversation, if you can even call it that, she expressed how bored and stagnant her life had become, and as a 19 year old girl might, she asked the universe to send her something or more particularly someone to “shake things up” we’ll say. Although there’s no physical proof of this “conversation,” I can promise you all she would not be broadcasting this deeply embarrassing personal low to EVERYONE SHE KNOWS if it wasn’t true.
Meanwhile, all the way on the other side of campus, Cameron is experiencing his own companionship crisis. Tired of only spending time with his roommates, Cameron wrote his own letter to God, asking for someone to come into his life to go on adventures with and share a connection (this one we do have physical proof of – see it at the wedding!).
Fast forward to the 22nd and Christina and Cameron both ended up at the CSU climbing wall on a Saturday morning. Cameron went with his brother Wesley, who had been visiting for the week, and a couple of his dorm mates, and Christina had gone by herself to clear her head after a crazy couple of days of the universe spicing up her life. Cameron noticed Christina climbing, and immediately knew. He turned to his brother and said “That girl’s got a great ass.” How romantic!
The romance continues with their first date. The date started at the place it all began, the CSU rock wall. Things were going well, conversation was flowing. Cameron being the smooth guy the he was suggested that they continue the date during dinner. Christina mentioned that she loves Chinese food and recommended her favorite place in Fort Collins. It’s an understatement to say that Cameron was broke. With $20 to his name and a silent prayer, they arrived and the esteemed “College Café”, a true staple of the CSU experience.
Take a moment to let that picture sink in… the whole “$20 to his name” comment now seems a little less dire. 20 minutes, $18, and a plate of chicken lo mien later and the first official date was well underway!
The next few weeks were a whirlwind of lunch and dinner dates, late night conversations, and sporadic trips to the climbing gym. Then, on March 6th, the week of spring break, disaster strikes. COVID hit and CSU closed, classes were canceled, and Cameron was left with the decision to return home or live the remainder of the semester alone in the dorms. For perhaps obvious reasons that he can now admit to friends and family, Cameron chose to return to the dorms and live the rest of the semester as the only student in the entire building.
It was during this time that some very interesting events happened to Cameron and Christina. They saw what might’ve been aliens in Red Feather, got lost in the woods in hip deep snow with only a pack of gushers to sustain them, and almost got bit by a rattle snake. Overall, they were no worse for wear and the story continues.
Since then, they have road tripped to national parks, adopted many kittens, completed 3 degrees, got stranded in Mexico in the middle of a pandemic, and fallen in love.
Cameron decided to propose right after Thanksgiving in 2023. He found the ring, booked a trip to Aruba, and asked Christina’s parents for their blessing. Christina, with an inkling that something was amiss, became very nosey. She started scrolling through text messages, emails, Instagram DMs, literally everything she could get hands on. But Cameron was sneaky, and he covered his tracks well (he used his encrypted work email).
He sent the ring to his sister’s apartment, but SHE MOVED. The ring gets lost in the United Parcel Service, days before the trip. Luckily, Cameron managed to track the ring down just two days before they left.
Cameron successfully hid the ring for the next two days and while packing for the trip. They leave for Aruba, Christina is hopeful but also completely oblivious, Cameron is petrified that customs will find the ring and spoil the surprise. But all goes smoothly (for once). They arrive in Aruba and enjoy a couple days of lounging on the beach, snorkeling, and exploring the island.
Now, it’s March 12th. The day has come. Cameron is going to propose to Christina TODAY. He casually suggests a couple’s photoshoot on the beach, Christina’s spidey senses are tingling. Cameron is receiving texts all day “did she say yes?”, “have you proposed yet?”, “when are you going to propose?”, “you’re proposing on the beach? Don’t drop the ring!” He deletes all of them, the surprise cannot be spoiled.
The time has come. It’s 5 pm on (the 16th) most beautiful beach in the Caribbean. The photographer has taken a handful of couple’s photos and suggests individual portraits. Cameron goes first, he looks out to the ocean, a little worried that after traveling halfway across the northern hemisphere Christina might say no. The photographer prompts him to turn around to get a nice headshot (now featured on all of Cameron’s profiles).
Now it’s Christina’s turn, she’s facing the ocean. The photographer takes forever to tell her to turn around: she’s 99% sure it’s happening but why is it taking so long!. As it turns out, Cameron can’t find the right spot to kneel and the photographer keeps having him move. Finally, the photographer tells her to turn around, Cameron is on his knee, he says something like “will you marry me?” Nobody remembers exactly what he said, they both blacked out with excitement. Christina is crying. SHE SAYS YES. They hug, they kiss, they take more pictures, and enjoy a nice dinner on the beach.
Christina started planning the wedding that night.